
Aneurin Bevan University Health Board joins Sprink’s Global Centre for Healthy Food Environments

Sprink is delighted to announce that one of the largest health care organisations in Wales, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (ABHUB), has joined its Global Centre for Healthy Food Environments (GCHFE) as a Silver Member. 

The partnership between ABUHB and the GCHFE will leverage Sprink’s experience and expertise in research, education, and implementation relating to Healthy Food Environments to deliver a focused project to explore innovative ways to promote healthy and sustainable eating habits among the patients, staff and visitors at ABUHB.

Named after the Minister for Health who spearheaded the creation of the NHS, ABUHB serves a population of approximately 600,000 people in southeast Wales. It employs 14,000 staff and provides a comprehensive range of services including both physical and mental health.

In line with global trends, obesity rates are rising in Wales, with 60% of Welsh adults being overweight or obese. In 2019, the Welsh Government declared a climate emergency in Wales and has committed to a carbon-neutral public sector by 2030. The partnership with the GCHFE aims to help address these challenges by establishing healthier and more sustainable food environments to improve outcomes for patients and staff. 

Commenting on the partnership, Adele Cahill, ABUHBā€™s Associate Director of Value-Based Healthcare said, “We are pleased to partner with the Global Centre for Healthy Food Environments and excited to begin work to optimise the food environment here at ABUHB. This partnership will allow us to leverage Sprink’s expertise and experience to create healthy and sustainable food environments that will benefit both our staff and patients.”

Dr Ed Maile, Lead for the GCHFE, said, “We are thrilled to welcome Aneurin Bevan as a Silver Member of our Global Centre for Healthy Food Environments. ABUHB’s commitment to promoting Healthy Food Environments aligns with Sprink’s mission to create a healthier and more sustainable world through innovative food solutions. We are excited to work with ABUHB to create a better food environment for people in southeast Wales.”

Sprink and ABUHB will share more information about their partnership and the project as it progresses. For more information about the GCHFE and its work, visit:

Ed Maile

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