
An introduction to Sprink’s bespoke services

Sprink focuses exclusively on Person-Centred Value-Based Health Care (PCVBHC) and Healthy Food Environments within health care systems. Our services build on the knowledge and work developed by the Global Centres, supporting individual organisations with their implementation of PCVBHC and/or Healthy Food Environments. With all of our services, we aim to work in partnership with organisations, over the long term, working together to co-create solutions.

We provide four types of service: 

  1. Strategic Advisory Services.  We have developed a methodology for the co-creation of organisational and/or system wide strategic plans for the development and implementation of PCVBHC and Healthy Food Environments.  We have experience of working with health care systems, universities and life science companies. 
  2. Education Services.  We have a number of different methodologies to support the co-creation of education programmes focused on specific organisations or systems.  We have experience of working with a wide range of hospitals, universities and life science companies in the development and delivery of education programmes. 
  3. Commissioned Research.  We apply our expertise in the conduct of multi-stakeholder, collaborative research to answer questions that are a priority for individual organisations and/or systems.  We have significant experience in the conduct of international, multi-stakeholder, collaborative research.   
  4. Partnership Development.  We have found that there is significant value in having a trusted, independent third party to support the development of long-term, value-based partnerships between health care systems and life science companies.  We have developed a 4-step methodology that goes from initial strategy development through to partner selection, partnership development and the launch of the partnership.  We have experience in supporting the development of such partnerships with a range of leading life science companies.

Our services are a central part of our long-term strategy, which together with the Global Centres, will, we hope, support the achievement of our vision – all people are able to achieve the health and care outcomes that matter to them sustainably.  If any of these services are of interest to you, please do reach out to me and we can arrange time to discuss. 

Thomas Kelley

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